28 November 2011


So, I haven't been posting any blog for a long long while. Because I am lazy? Because I don't have anything to share? Or maybe because I gave up the blog thing to spend my time useful? No.

My laptop, the love of my life, stopped working. All of a sudden it refused to turn on. I stressed out and started running circles while outragiously flabbering my arms around, but sadly that had no positive effect whatsoever.

In the end it turned out to be a little button which switches off the laptops ability to charge. (Seriously, why would a computer need such a thing?!) But now it works again! Which means I have internet and I can continue my life as a normal 21th century human being!

I have done so many things last month and a half without being able to give an update. Here is a shortlist:

- Went to Holland (and back)

- Pitchfork festival : The Rosebuds, Kathleen Edwards, Stornoway, Jens Lekman, Lykke Li, Bon Iver.

- Explored the city with Ida.

- Decided to go to the Sorbonne (Moneywise: bad idea. Travelwise: too far. Timewise: no social life possible after the start of the classes. But still, I'm going to go to the Sorbonne)

- Went to Disneyland. And ran around like a four year old kid.

- Looked for an appartement in Paris with Tinka. We haven't succeeded yet, any recommendations?

I'll tell some stories more detailed, but the main message now is that I'm still alive and kicking. And so is my laptop
La Vilette (19th arr.) organises all kinds of parties / concerts / expos.

Ida at Photoquai ( she got photographed for streetstyle magazine Journal des Femmes that day)

A very kitschy Disney photo. More to come!

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